Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Conflict Resolution

The perfect movie for this assignment in my mind is Paranormal Activity. There are only three characters in the entire film, two main actors and one minor.
The movie is filmed through a hand held camera to give us the image that it was a home video and happened for real. It tells the so called "true story" of a young couple who are "engaged to be engaged" and what happens when a demon possesses Katie, the female of the relationship.
I would guess that Katie is in her early twenties, she is going to school to become a teacher while Micah, her boyfriend, works on a regular basis. They have a lot of money for their age, a huge house with an in ground pool and a convertible.
Considering Katie is being possessed by a demon, the character most often portrayed in this story would definitely be the devil.
There were several instances that happened, progressivelyy getting worse each time. Everything started off when they set up a camera in their room to watch it while they slept and discovered things they would have never known about otherwise like the door swaying mysteriously for example. As time passes, they wake up to very loud bashing noises throughout their house and Katie even claims at one point that she woke up to the feeling of the demon breathing on her face. They call in a psychic to help them, he does what he can, makes some suggestions, and they take his advice and try to follow his directions. But then it continued to get worse,  so they called in another psychic but he would not even step foot in the house because he could feel such a strong resentment to him being there and felt it would only make matters even worse.
In the end, the problem is never resolved which we later found out in Paranormal Activity 2.

To view a link to the movie trailer for Paranormal Activity, click here.