Monday, February 7, 2011

Media Literacy and Your Expectations

What is media literacy?

The first video is summarizing the actual definition of the term "media literacy". Media basically being anything from commercials and advertisements to billboards and computers and literacy being the way we read and create, AKA how we interpret what we see. It "summarizes the 21st century digital media landscape" says Rob Williams during an interview. The video also rhymes off facts about the media, for example; people see about 3000 discrete advertising messages a day. Its quite a big eye opened and makes you more aware of what you really see everyday. It also discusses the useless media today, saying that the read media producers of the world have to work especially hard to stay on top of and keep the attention of viewers today, getting across the important facts rather than the useless ones.

Media Literacy, Education & Choice

"Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in all of its forms" is the opening line in this video, and it also describes what the video itself is about. It describes the five core questions of media literacy and talks about the way we need to learn to interpret and deal with today's media and the different ways people interpret things. Maybe the message we view doesn't include all the true facts and evidence behind it? The video is telling us that we, as viewers, will probably never know everything that is actually going on behind the news stories we are hearing. There are probably many things that are and are not being said.

One of the major things I would like to look at in this course, is the racism and manipulating going on behind many of the Walt Disney movies. For example, in the movie Dumbo, all of the characters are white in the entire movie, except the circus workers who are all, for some reason, black. What kind of image are they really trying to portray to the public?

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