Thursday, June 2, 2011

Deconstructing a Visual

Of course, everyone hears songs in many different ways. To me, Here And Now is saying that this is your time, and there is no better moment to live than now. When GBS explains the meaning behind this song, they say "The difference between the past and the Now" and that is exactly right and everyone should live according to that. 
The song opens up with the line "the sun must set to rise". I live according to these lyrics on a daily basis. In fact, I chose these as my words to live by when doing my grad write-up for the yearbook. To me, it is saying that everything gets worse before it gets better, and I find life really does work that way. 
We only live once, it kind of makes you think of how you want to be remembered and how you want people to see you. 

Here And Now - Great Big Sea

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