Monday, March 21, 2011

Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence.

The first example of violence in movies that came to mind was in the movie United 93. I believe this film was created with violence because :
     1. Movies can portray violence with spectacular realism through the use of computerized special effects.
              and also because
     2. Production companies want a good return on their multi-million dollar investments.

September 11th, 2001 was a very memorable day for nearly everyone who lives today. Obviously people are curious to know what happened on that day and in my opinion, Hollywood did a very good job of retelling the story and sharing it with the world. If I were giving the option to make a film on 9/11 verses a film on planet earth, I would definitely choose 9/11 because it is excitement and drama and something that attracts and interests many people. It also makes it better because it is realistic and was something that happened close to us just 10 short years ago.

The second example of violence in movies that came to mind was from the film War of the Worlds. I believe this film was created with violence because:
     1. Historically, stories have contained a hero and a villain and any conflict between them is resolved by violence.
       and also because
     2. Movies can portray violence with spectacular realism through the use of computerized special effects.

In this case, War of the World's contains a villain; the aliens, and a hero; us humans. It is the classic story retold time and time again of the alien invasion of earth. How they plan to take over the world and eliminate man kind. This is very well portrayed through the advancements we have in today's technology. It is so life like that could easily be believed to be real footage, that is, if aliens themselves did exist. I believe this is one the the reasons so many films about alien invasions have been created and why they continue to make so much money in the release of them, because it has been a question for centuries of whether aliens really do exist. I believe that until that question is answered for good, films like this will continue to be created.

Q:  Does violence make a good movie?
A:  Some might say yes, but not all movies have violence in them. This question will be answered differently by everyone because everyone has different preferences in films. There are all types of movies: comedy, romance, action, horror. But not all movies have violence. You're not going to find very much violence in your Walt Disney cartoon movies, yet they all sell just as well as the other. So no, I do not think violence makes a good movie.

Q:  Consider whether you feel there is too much violence in some movies.
A:  I agree, in some movies there is too much violence. But every film is made differently and people are drawn into watching violence and the unexpected. It's what keeps us entertained and at our seats edge. The unexpected that's about to happen. Whether there is too much or not, people are still going to watch it. We don't limit ourselves to much in this day and age. There is not much out there that people will stop themselves from seeing.

Q:  Is the violence realistic or necessary? Is it justified when you consider the storyline?
A:  It may not be necessary but most times it is realistic, just very unlikely to happen.

Q:  Can an effective action or fast-paced film be produced without violence? Why or why not?
A:  Sit down and try and think of an action based film without violence? In my opinion, I'm not sure there is a film like that out there. No one wants to watch a car driving at 200m/h, scale around the edge of a mountain and making it without any slips or close calls. It's boring. People want risk, they want to live on the wild side and see the unexpected.

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