Sunday, April 3, 2011

The hero always saves the world, the villains get what they deserve, the boy will always get the girl when I am king!

I'm sure it would be easy for Great Big Sea's lead single, Alan Doyle, to relate to many of us after growing up in a small town himself with just one main road connecting them to civilization and spending much of his childhood playing hockey like many of us do.
Growing up, Alan always had a strong ambition to play music. And although there was no room for him to be the lead singer or play the guitar in his school band, he didnt let that slow him down. Instead, he settled for the drums.

Alan had his first run in with Hollywood when his hometown became the main set for infamous "whale" movies and although most of us know him for his singing and guitar playing, he has also starred in the 2010 film, Robin Hood along with several other small parts in various films.

My favorite song by Great Big Sea, Here and Now released on their 2007 album Fortune's Favour.

Canadians are often viewed as being down to earth and realistic. This is one way I see Great Big Sea to be purely Canadian. All their music is real, no auto tune on their voices and no lip syncing whatsoever. Unlike many other artists, their live performance was almost better than on track. Also when I saw then in concert, they gave shout outs to everyone in the crowd and even went as far as to mention us little people in the Miramichi. They have to be the least big headed celebrities out there, no matter where they are or how far they made it in life, they are always keeping in touch with their fans daily through blogs. Also, in one of the blogs I read written by Alan while on tour, he told us about some ideas he had for their future album and looked for thoughts and advice from fans and made a space available to give input. Another reason I consider them a down to earth, Canadian band is because many of their songs are about Canada, Newfoundland in particular with one of their songs being titled Banks of Newfoundland. All in all, they keep it real and simple and down to earth and they never let their fame take control of their life or seize to remind them of the country they came from.

- On March 11th, 2011 GBS celebrated their eighteenth anniversary together. 
-Currently has three band members, Alan Doyle, Sean McCann, Bob Hallett and past member Darrell Power who retired in 2003.
-Released 9 studio albums and four other albums. 

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