Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Role

If I were to play a role in a movie or TV show, I think I would either play the roleof the blonde chick that everyone presumes to be the "dumb blonde" but is actually extremely intelligent, or the roll of the out cast kind of kid that doesn't really belong to a particular group because she doesn't allow herself to be labeled. 
I would hope to play either of these roles because in a sense, this is the kind of person I am in real life, therefore it would be much easier to play that roll rather than the bank robber or the emo kid which I clearly am not. The director would not have a hard time training me to play these roles because it would come naturally.
Sure, we all have our "blonde moments", unfortunately I seem to have a few more than most, but I know I am smart because my grades prove that I am. Also, I tend to hang out with all kinds of people and I try hard not to judge or label them because I know how it feels to be judged myself.
If I were to be picked to play either of these roles, as unfortunate as it is, it would most likely be on a chick flick or a teen movie, mainly because those roles are most commonly round in movies like those.

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